Rocky, also known as Nigel, died peacefully surrounded by his family the morning of April 6, 2024. He began his life living in Detroit before coming home to live with Aunt Marsha. After some time with her, Aunt Marsha gave Rocky to Holly Veselenak after she graduated college, who he was completely loyal to. After determining he looked more like a Nigel, she changed his name, but never has the heart to tell her that she changed his name. So, like an episode of Seinfeld, we continued the charade of his name for 14 years, only revealing it here. He was always known under both names lovingly. His love and compassion was shared with everyone, but mostly with Holly. He was her special buddy, always by her side.
Rocky will be remembered for his cuddles, his purring and his love of wheatgrass. He wasn’t always sure about when Holly and David brought home children, but he learned to love them in his own special way. He was a majestic, regal animal who was loved by all.
He is survived by his owners, Holly, David, Samuel and Benjamin, and his co-pet and partner in crime, Lucy, whom he loved to play with.
He was the best cat and he will be missed by all.