My girl was my soul baby! My best friend. I picked her!! She was my 50 clearance puppy with bad knees with multiple surgeries. She lived life to the fullest! Loved camping, boating and swimming. Loved her food and treats. Fractured her shoulder and found cancer in July 2022. We had her leg amputated to save her life. She adjusted and did very well learning to be a tripawed baby. Followed by 5 rounds of chemo which she did amazing on. Finished her last round of chemo 3 weeks ago with flying colors. Last week she became ill, which landed her in the ER. Here they discovered a tumor in her stomach. We thought we can handle this and get her home. In the same breath this rumor bleed out and we choose to help Sophie be free of pain. We are beyond sad that my baby girl isnt with us any longer.
Sophie was the best, most loving, sweetest girl ever! We were blessed to have her as part of our family for 11 years. We only wish it could have been so much longer. She will be missed beyond measure! A candle was lit in memory of Sophie.