Many years ago it was a cold February night and as a little kid sitting at the dinner table me and my family see this little cat about a year old scratching at the back door to be let in. It looked like he hadnt eaten in days and with snow on the ground my dad let the cat in and my first words were can we keep him?. My dad said yes but my mom said no but that quickly changed in about 5 minutes. We went to the store and got food and everything he needed. He went to bed with me that night and little did I know that he would grow up with me and sleep with me every night until his last days almost 20 years later. As I grew up buddy was always by my side always there to talk to me, love me and just be the best bestfriend anyone could ever ask for! He would enjoy car rides like a dog, he would ride with my mom when I got picked up from school, he loved to hop in the shower whenever I would take a shower and drink the water and play in there and Ive never seen or heard of a cat do that but buddy was just more then a cat, he was everything you could of wished for and more! Everyday I would come home from work he would hear my truck pulling up the driveway and greet me with a big meow and be purring louder then ever when I would open the door of the house. Everyone he met just fell in love with him because he was just the sweetest man and will be missed by so many. Im 25 years old now and Im so blessed to have had him for so many years and to be filled with the best memories that I will never forget! Im so glad to have had grown up with a bestfriend like buddy because he got me through so many tough times when it was just me and him. Thats all I needed was him and I was the happiest I could ever be! Its tough now because I dont know what to do without him! Thank you buddy for everything and all the love you gave me, you will always be in my heart & you will always be my little boy. I wish you didnt have to go because we had so much life to live together. The last things I told you was I love you and wait for me I will see you again one day and I cant wait to hear you purring and feel your fluffy fur and kiss you all over. Rest easy sweet boy I love you forever and always, your bestfriend Andrew
A candle was lit in memory of Buddy.