Nothing can prepare you for the day you say goodbye to your pet. Luna, you came into our lives by chance. Just a little stray shepherd mix pup with a floppy ear who needed a home. We had Oso already but you came into this house and showed him who’s boss. You two have been inseparable ever since. I’m so grateful you came into our family. I think pets become part of our lives for a reason. Luna was such a sweet, funny and protective girl. She gave us so much joy and unconditional love. I would like to think she’s somewhere doing her favorite things like swimming or eating chicken nuggets. Rest in peace tooney, I love you and I’ll miss you so much. 🤍
Luna was my favorite girl. I’m grateful to have spent a handful of my life with her. She was the definition of immense love and although she’s not here with me anymore, I know she’s up in the stars running around with all of her friends and in no more pain. I love you Poon ❤️