I thought we’d have more time, we two, butwe’ve had just enough for you’ve shared your whole life with us and that is a gift…And so, I thank you, for the gift of you, on rainy nights, and for Harry Potter movie marathons in bed.I thank you for long afternoon naps in pools of lazy summer sunshine.Thank you for whole slices of pepperoni pizza , secreted away from my plate when I wasn’t lookingThank you for the joy of chasing snowflakes and autumn leaves drifting past the picture window.Thank you for helping me finish my cereal milk, my Shrimp Egg Foo Young, the sandwich I just made and hadnt started yet.Thank you for all the times you turned off my work computer… While I was working. Recorded for quality assurance purposes…Thank you for concertos, skipped with wild abandon, across the whole length of the piano keyboard at three oclock in the A of M.Thank you for all the bugs and flying things you ate, and especially for the ones you left on my bed for me to find.And, speaking of beds– thank you for letting me share the bed sometimes. And my pillow and sometimes the sheets.Thank you for glaring at me in flat-eared judgement from across the dinner tableOf course– I should have served you first… how inconsiderate of meThank you for five A.M. wake up calls on Sunday mornings. Thank you for leaving your empty food bowl right where I could trip over it. Thank you for keeping your little brothers and sister in check. *Thwack*Thank you for cat hair… everywhere.E-V-E-R-Y-where. STILL. Thank you for cheating at board games.Thank you for your love and patience for tiny humans. Thank you for teaching your big sister Beauty how to be a better Lab and for being such a good dog-pal to her son, Baxter. He misses you.I miss you, my little friend. I miss your cold toes in my back and your bright tiger eyes.I miss the way youd snuggle close andbury your head in my shoulder when you were feeling needy. I miss your sass… and your voice andyour salmon pink nose and your sweet little face.I miss you watching me brush my teeth in the morning, and being greeted by you at the door when I came home.Goodbye, my little one… my spoiled middle child, my consummate naughty toddler,our brave, social butterfly.You were more than a cat you were family, and we were blessed to be loved by you.I wish we had more time to give you, sweet Sullivan, but you gave us all of yours and we are so grateful. I will always love you, I will always miss you, and my eyes will ever seek your swift step at my heels.Love is letting go when we want so much to hold on just a little longer. Be at peace, my sweet boy. You were so very loved.