I had always wanted my own Great Dane, I finally found a breeder and picked out my own pup! I remember the day I was called and told that she was ready to come home. I don’t think I could have gotten in my car fast enough. I drove the 3 hour round trip to get her. She came home to join her partner in crime, Dori. They were two peas in a pod. Sophie lived to be 11, her vet called her “a dinosaur” because she was so old. I’m so grateful that I got to have her as my buddy for so long, but really no amount of time is ever long enough. She was such a fighter. When her bone cancer was diagnosed, I knew her time would be cut short, but she fought hard for 3 months. I know she is up at the rainbow bridge running with her two buddies that went before her, but I still miss her everyday.
♥️ Run free sweet girl ♥️ Until we meet again XO
A candle was lit in memory of Corduroy Davenport.